
CD Voci di Donne

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This project is dedicated to the organ music by female composers in the twentieth and twenty- first century, period in which the ‘women’s voice’ finally reached the masses thanks to the growth of the female presence in the composition field.

An extraordinary repertoire for which I chose the great "Mascioni" organ of the "Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra" in Rome, a benchmark for sacred music from which we start telling for the first time this "all pink" page of history.

Organo Mascioni, opus 568

Francesca Ajossa

  • Aufnahme: 2019
  • DDD, Stereo
  • Gesamtzeit: 76:45 
  • Heft (Italian, English): 


  • Mascioni Organ Sala Accademica del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, Roma (Italia)


Zustellung ab Versand in

  • Deutschland: ca. 3-5 Tagen
  • Ausland: ca. 5-14 Tagen


Emilia Gubitosi (1887-1972)

  • Introduzione e Capriccio fugato

Tamara Mormone (1911-2010)

  • Berceuse - Fantasia e fuga in re minore

Matilde Capuis (1913-2017)

  • Preludio, Allegro e Fantasia

Teresa Procaccini (1934)

  • Improvviso e Toccata, Op. 33

Biancamaria Furgeri (1935)

  • Tre Quadri Musicali per Claudia

Silvana di Lotti (1942)

  • Surfaces

Sonia Bo (1960)

  • Pascha rosarum - In Memoriam